Our Committee
Your guide to who does what in the Guild and where to go if you need information or help
Any current Guild member can stand for election onto the committee. If you would like to get involved in the running of the Guild, please contact any of the current committee members listed below to find out more. The main requirement for a committee member is to attend occasional online meetings via Zoom plus the Quilling Guild's annual Celebration of Quilling - travel expenses are reimbursed. The meetings are informal and enjoyable, giving you the opportunity to put your views forward. It is essential that you have access to email, too, as this is how we communicate in between meetings.
Appointments to the official posts described below are decided at AGMs and amongst the committee members themselves.
CHAIRMAN: Josie Jenkins is our Chairman.
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Jane Jenkins is our Vice Chairman. 'As a founder member of The Quilling Guild, much of my life revolves around quilling - creating designs, experimenting with new techniques, etc., mainly to inspire the students in my weekly classes and to pass on to other quillers in the Guild. I am also a very keen calligrapher and folk artist.'
TREASURER: Janet Hunt is our Treasurer. She has lots of experience in money matters. She keeps our accounts and pays our bills, and is the person who can maybe help to fund some of your regional group's projects, particularly if they introduce people to Quilling and the Guild.
SECRETARY AND ENQUIRIES OFFICER: Paul Jenkins is currently acting in these roles. If you are interested in learning to quill, or need information, you can contact Paul by emailing him at [email protected]. or write to: 33 Mill Rise, Cottingham, Skidby, HU16 5UA, UK.
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Jill Chapman is our Membership Secretary. If you'd like to join us, have a look at our Membership page for all the information. Jill's colleague Janet Hunt organises Gift Aid donations, which are an important boost to our funds.
ARCHIVIST: Genevieve Godden is looking after our archives at present. She is starting the process of re-cataloguing them. You could contact Paul, our Enquiries Officer at [email protected], if you want to ask about them. We have quillings old and new in our collection, as well as pictures. If you would like to arrange the loan of any items, please outline your plans and we'll see what we can do.
PUBLICATIONS: If you would like to purchase any of the items we publish, please email The Quilling Guild. Click on the Publications button for more.
COMPETITIONS OFFICERS : Rachel Winter and Janet Hunt deal with competition entries at AGMs and Celebration Events.
ACCREDITATION REGISTRATION OFFICERS: Paul Jenkins (non-committee) is our Accreditation Registration Officer for Basic Level Accreditation, answering queries about the accreditation scheme and registering members for it.
If you are interested in the more advanced Higher Level Accreditation scheme, please contact Jane Jenkins for information or to buy a Higher Accreditation Pack.
You can find further details about both levels of Accreditation on our Accreditation page.
WEB SITE OFFICER: Philippa Reid is the person to contact if you have any questions about the website or you would like to add your event or meetings to our Regional Quilling Groups and Classes page. She is also our contact for the Quilling Guild Facebook page.
EDITOR OF QUILLERS TODAY: Philippa Reid - a passionate quiller and published quilling author - is also our magazine editor. If you have anything to send to Philippa do not hesitate to do so. Please see more information in your Quillers Today magazine. It can be news from your meetings or events, questions or information about your own quilling. If you have made a quilled card but don't find it easy to draw a design for it, contact Philippa or Jane Jenkins and they'll arrange for that to happen. We love to see your cards in the magazine. Don't be bashful - we don't have to be experts to create a card to admire.
OTHER COMMITTEE MEMBERS: We also have on the team Karen Hunziker and Rachel Warrillow.
Please contact The Quilling Guild for any enquiries about quilling, the Guild and our events.
Click here: quilling_guild_history_of_officials_revised_2024.pdf to view a list of people who have been significant in the running of the Guild over the past 30 years. There have also been many committee members, local contacts, regional members who have hosted AGMs, Celebration Weekends and Festivals, and members who have contributed to Quillers Today and Quilling Now!, to whom we are most grateful.
Photo: Quilling by Licia Politis